Friday, October 12, 2007


Through life I have had many mentors. The first I remember was a man some ten years my senior who took me fishing. I was not old enough to drive myself at the time, but I learned to recognize the sound of his car coming up the road. I didn't even have to look, I gathered my fishing equipment and stood at the ready in our driveway. He talked as we fihed and shared hios wisdom of the outdoors and life.

The next was a literature teacher in college who was kind enough to secure an interview for me with the head of the department when he was directing a play about which I was writing a paper. I did not realize at the time what an honor and privilege that was. I made an A on that paper and it was my first experience with true writing.

Today I recognize that I am mentored by many, but there is one who is always constant. I have learned to accept her wisdom even when it does not make me very happy. She is honest and that is the number one trait of a true mentor.

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